Prophesy and the Four Elemental Mothers Ceremony

Prophesy and the Four Elemental Mothers Ceremony

The most amazing thing about Earth prophesy is how so many of these ancient prophesies and knowings seem to be pointing to this very moment in time. It is quite remarkable to be living in these times of awakening to such deep and miraculous truths. It is reminding me of my very own words that were part of a poem I wrote just before 9/11/2001.

Visions come to me like ancient prophesies

Living in the peak of time, making sense of ancient rhymes

written in the old texts of all different religious sects 

like the last book of the bible- Revelations 

coming after life long meditations

with the unseen

spitting me into new realities

beyond the veils of Isis 

we’ve been living in a crisis state

Unable to relate with our own dream state- 

symbolic images from other times 

reminding us how to live our lives- Truthfully

Because we’ve been here before

now we’re knocking at the same door

Didn’t fully learn the lessons, so now we’re having sessions 

In (2017) making confessions

that we’ve not been perfect beings

This is what I’m seeing,

As I look to our destruction… (continues)

The common thread between all the indigenous and ancient prophesies is the mention of our complete and total lack to take care of and respect our Earth and each other. It has been with this incredible lack of heart centered compassion that has brought us to these difficult times. The prophesies speak of earth changes and destruction. They speak of the waters and air being polluted. They speak about how we get lost and confused and forgetful. Our heads and our hearts become separate. In this separate place it is difficult but we must remember and look back to the old ways. They speak of a point of no return. If we do not wake up and remember the sacred building blocks of our Earth, our bodies, our relationships and even our consciousness and begin to honor the Sacred in all things then surely we will perish. The silver lining is this: the prophesies also speak of helpers, guides, warriors of the rainbow. These are the awakened ones, the ones on their way to awakening, and those who remember who will help us to turn things around when we get to this point of almost complete destruction. This is what we must embody. We must become the the Warriors of the Rainbow, the prayers walking in the world. It is time to remember and bring the Sacred back into balance and make the vital connection and stimulate the neural pathways between the head and the heart. As we heal and create this healing there will be global healing as well.. We are all connected. We are One.

In the recent months I have been so grateful to work with Omileye Achikiobi Lewis learning the structure and importance of the Four Elemental Mothers Ceremony. As Mama Osun (the Yoruba goddess/diety of fresh water, love, healing and divination) brought this painful reminder to Omileye that destruction was imminent and that there will continue to be natural disasters as long as we continue to live out of balance within our own lives and on this Earth that we have neglected for so long. The Earth, our Mama, the Divine Mother is one of our most precious teachers. She is also a reflection of us. We are made of Earth and her elements and she reflects our own inner turmoil when her volcanos erupt, her earth shakes and her waters stir. As humans, we are deeply unsettled and have forgotten how to live in balance.

The Four Elemental Mothers Ceremony serves to create healing on a personal and global level by bringing our elemental forces back into balance. We are opening up to appease the elements and the Elemental Mothers. This ceremony is a practice of honoring the sacred in each aspect of who are and giving humble thanks, love and apologies to create healing and balance. By moving through the Medicine Wheel and the energies of All Directions we individually acknowledge each of the sacred elements and the Elemental Mothers. The Elemental Mothers can manifest in many forms and many faces of the divine feminine. Each culture that has ever existed has a name and face for these elements. By acknowledging the Mothers by all their names, known and unknown and offering our apologies, love and forgiveness we begin to bridge the gap. By recognizing these forces both as energies that surround us in every moment and energies within our selves that also need recognition and healing we enter a healing process as well as a deep communication with the Mother and the Beloved Creator.

The prophesies and the old stories are road maps and guides that have left us with plentiful information about how to go about bringing balance and healing to the world. In these stories we come from a place of balance and respect and then begin to forget. The more we forgot the more we experienced suffering and destruction. What resonates the most with me is the incredible importance of returning to the heart. We as a global society, but even more so in the West have closed our hearts and let our brains take over without the Love and Compassion that is so vital to living healthy and in balance. Singing the old songs and remembering the old ways of living in harmony and in gratitude are beautiful ways to begin the healing. As we wake up and remember, which has been a life long process for me, I feel more and more of a responsibility to bring this healing to others. Of course the healing does not come from me, but I do feel inspired to facilitate the healing that so many people are ripe and ready for. 

With so many prophesies speaking of doom and gloom it can be discouraging. So many people interpret this information as “the end of the world” or the “end times” and it does indeed feel that way. I however can not help but continue to look at the other alternatives. Prophesies present us with choices. Which story line do you choose? The path from the heart that leads us to balance does not feel the same way as the mind’s fear of the of the end times. Choosing the path of the heart has an entirely different quality to it. I am beginning to see how both these paths are actually occurring simultaneously. Duality seems to be ruling our world to such a degree that there is perhaps a split in trajectories. There is more love and awakening on the planet than I have witnessed before but at the same time there is just as much pain, suffering and hatred. This duality is creating a friction and I honestly do not know what it means or where we are headed. With the butterfly effect of enough people healing and returning to the heart I believe it is possible for global healing to occur. If we are able to concentrate our energy and continue to bring healing to the Water, this will help the healing in enormous ways. The sacred beautiful water is the key to our personal and global healing. Water connects us all and when the water is healed we are healed as well. Luckily, or, by the Grace of God, the molecular structure of water is easily changed through our loving thoughts and energy. If we continue to raise our consciousness and open our hearts, the water will be effected and will be a beautiful and exquisite conduit of change and healing. We can continue to heal the water each day by offering our sincere apologies, love and gratitude.

I know that it is imperative to wake up in the heart and to live from the heart. It is important to honor the old ways and to offer apologies, love and gratitude to the Waters, the Air, the Earth, and the Fire that we have abused in such horrific ways. We also have to offer apologies, love and gratitude to all those around us and possibly most importantly to our own healing selves. We have to forgive ourselves and let our trauma rest in the past and not be what creates our future.