December 2017 Numerology Forecast

December 2017 Numerology Forecast

December is a universal 4 month. This month will be a little different from the last time we saw the 4 in March. December is a 13/4 which has the potential to bring many obstacles and challenges. Much like the energy of Mercury in retrograde this month, (Dec. 3- Dec. 23) the 4 asks us to slow down and pay attention to details.

The good news about the challenges this month is that when you face them head on and don’t give up they have the incredible potential to make you stronger. The strength from persevering is just what you’ll want to head into 2018. Like the Hindu god Ganesh, who is known as the Destroyer of Obstacles, you will have the strength and eye for detail that you will need this month to overcome anything that comes your way.

4 is representative of structure whether that be the actual house you live in, or the structures that your belief system has created around you. Now is a good time to look at both. Take a look at your house and see if there are any structural improvement that need to be made. 4 appreciates security and wants a solid foundation. Also, take a look at your own personal box. Have you outgrown any limiting belief patterns? It may be time to make some adjustments. The challenge with the 4 is seeing the ways in which you are limiting yourself and then breaking out of old patterns and habits to create a new sense of freedom. The 4 best does this strategically. Short cuts do not often work for the 4 energy so make a plan and see it through. Don’t give up!

Be courageous this month and prepared to work hard. The 4 energy wants us to stay focused on our goals. Try not to let your fears and insecurities rule your experience as if they were truth. Break down the fears systematically and get back to the basic building blocks which to the 4 are Love, Faith and hard work. The 4 has super strength, so even when you face extra challenges this month- you will have the energy needed to overcome them. Take care of yourself and remember to take a rest here and there.

The 4 loves tradition, so allowing some of this month’s traditions feed the soul will be good medicine. The 4 energy will be most content if you’re able to do it in a wholesome way without getting frustrated and overwhelmed with the stress and consumerism that the holidays often bring. Avoid impulsive spending in your gift buying this year. It does’t work out well for a 4, and stay away from electronic purchases while Mercury is in retrograde!

The 4 energy is most free when it accepts its limitations and creates thoughtful and satisfying solutions. This ability to problem solve can be very empowering in a 4 month. As you face and overcome obstacles this month you will be transformed to a stronger, polished version of yourself to head into 2018.