January 2018 Numerology Forecast

January 2018 Numerology Forecast

Gather your magical tools and hone your super powers because we are heading into a master number 11 year. The universal year number has an effect on the collective experience and world events. This year will have incredible potential for growth and the development of our intuitive abilities. The challenge this year is to be centered enough to hear and listen to the intuition and messages that we will be receiving.

The 11 has both the energy of the double 1 and the 2. The double 1 energy of the 11 will allow us to continue with the New; new ideas, new ways of thinking and being as well as continuing to launch new projects. This energy will continue on from the universal 1 year of 2017. The trend to gain momentum and blaze new trails is still with us and is now boosted by the gateway number of the magical 11. The 2 energy asks us to bring these ideas out and share them with others to create partnership and community.

So… what makes 11 so magical? 11 is a gateway. As many of us often take notice of 11:11, it has been said by many to be a numerical activation pre-encoded in our very DNA. If you look to the symbolism of the number 11 you see that it looks much like a doorway. And that is exactly what it is. If you are able to stand in balance the 11 opens up to new possibilities, new ways of thinking and new ways of connecting with yourself and the world around you. The 11 wants to shift all our relationships and connections to the next level. The 11 year will bring many realizations and will boost our global spiritual awakening. At the same time, it is going to make life increasingly difficult for those who are continuing to hold on to the old paradigm of personal and selfish interests and wealth rather than global and collective healing and abundance. The 11 asks us to do and be for the good of all. In the 21st century we are in an extended cycle where we will see 11’s in the second year of the nine year cycles. This is a collective boost for transformation.

The 11 reduces to a 2 and therefore also holds the energy of the 2. We are in the second year of this nine year cycle. The 2 allows for deeper connection with others and gives the 11 the ability to share it’s creative ingenuity with others and the world by making personal connections. This is a year of coming together. It’s quite possible that there will continue to be global catastrophes and natural disasters and the 11/2 energy requires us to work together in the face of trauma and tragedy to come up with solutions to create a better world. In an 11/2 year we also have the opportunity to strengthen our relationship with the Earth. As world-bridgers, it is important for us to play our role in these Earth shifts by continuing to offer Love, Gratitude and Apologies to the Earth and all the elements. The Hawaiian Ho’oponopono prayer is a beautiful practice to assist in these times.

The 2 energy also creates opportunity for us to find our tribe, our people. This year you’ll find yourself with your true friends and family and continue making connections that feel real and substantial rather than surface level. It will be possible to find a romantic partner this year who you also connect with spiritually, or it may allow your current relationships to grow in this way. The level of intimacy that we share in personal relationships is ready for an upgrade now. People across the globe are seeking deeper connections.

The challenge with the 11/2 is that it can often be overwhelming and can even support the energy of psychic attack. It will be important this year to have clear boundaries and spend time throughout the day getting centered and energetically cleared. Spending more time in nature could be really good medicine. For those who do not embrace the diplomatic and communal energies of the 11 and continue with their selfish agendas, this will be a difficult year to get things done. The 11 year can be increasingly overwhelming when people are not well grounded or mentally stable. The 11 may bring a tendency to get carried away or easily distracted, which stunts the amazing potential to create greatness. So again, stay centered, start a meditation practice, or sit by a river and connect to your own divine Spark. Listen, because Creation is speaking to you… there is much to be done.

We start off 2018 in a universal 3 month. We have been working with this energy already as November was also a 3 (refer to my November Numerology Forecast). This month will be different in that it will be supported by the 11/2 so there will be even more motivation and inspiration to the expressive and creative 3 energy and it will also be better received by others. If you take advantage of the creative energy this month it will move you deeper into your soul’s purpose. Only from true authentic expression of ourselves and our gifts can the world heal and evolve.

The 3 supports any kind of creative expression, so have fun with it. Writing, painting, music and performing are all great ways to make the most of the new year. Perhaps a vision board or mandala would be a fun project to establish your intentions for the year and to light this spark of creativity and transformation. Express yourself with your words which are the most powerful tools of co-creative power that we have. Say what’s on your mind and more importantly what’s in your heart. This is not the time to be small. It is an important month to Be and fully express Who You Really Are! In the 11/2 year the world is receptive and ready to embrace all you have to offer. And what a great way to start the new year!