Energy Medicine Monday – simplify

Energy Medicine Monday – simplify


How many of you read The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up? When I read it a few years back it changed the way I see things in my home and in my life. My biggest take-away was realizing that I could Love something and at the same time that thing (or person) could bring me no joy at all. For example I could deeply love a ceremonial dress- but if it doesn’t fit- it may make me unhappy rather than joyful. I could love a piece of jewelry but it may be attached to sad memories.
Do you have people in your life who you love, but being around them drains you or makes you unhappy? Have you surrounded yourself with too many things? When simplifying, practice this extremely brief meditation that Author and expert simplified Marie Kondo suggests: hold each item, one at a time. Expand your energy and ask “Does this bring me joy”. Can you feel your energy expand or contract? Does it spark joy?

This can become a daily practice to help create sacred space and align you with what brings you the most joy so that you can always be surrounded in beauty.
Her new show on Netflix has reminded me of this simple practice and re-inspired me. Feeling Grateful!