Three Lessons on the Path to Wisdom (the NOrth shield)

Three Lessons on the Path to Wisdom (the NOrth shield)

Three symbols to the paths of the North shield.


I stepped out of the fire and walked to the seat of the wise Grandfather in the North. There were three Elders waiting for me. The first Grandmother handed me a great conch shell. She smiled then spoke. “This shell is the power of listening to Mother Earth, her Creature-beings, and her children. Through listening you may come to know wisdom.” -Jamie Sams

…the work I do is possible because of deep listening. I am always working to hone this skill and become a better listener. Before a session, I ask Creator to remove my egoic perspective so that I may listen from the ears of Creator.


The second elder, a Grandfather, placed a tomahawk in my arms and said, “This Tomahawk represents the Peacemaker who knows when to bury the hatchet and forgive and when to defend with truth. It is through proper use of truth, forgiveness, and humility that you may also know wisdom.” -Jamie Sams

Sometimes our Truth requires us to defend it. I used to think defensiveness was weakness. Humility replaces unnecessary defensiveness. And Forgiveness is the best medicine. I’ve noticed in my practice that unconditional forgiveness is the remedy that brings energy and attention from the past back into the present moment. It’s 2019 folks. Time to bury the hatchet. Live your truth. Be humble.


The third path to wisdom…

The third elder was Great White Buffalo Calf Woman. She presented me with a pipe. Her voice was great, but her eyes were twinkling as she spoke these words. “The Pipe is the symbol of balanced shields, male and female, the Red Road and Blue Road, and of being grateful for the beauty of the Great Mystery’s perfect plan. The third path is gratitude and prayers of thankfulness. Through this path you may also know wisdom.” -Jamie Sams

I smoke a peace pipe. Prayer fills my lungs as the air is filled with smoke rising like the sun. The dawn after darkness must come. I won’t believe the lies that they’re telling us. I won’t buy in to the propaganda they’re selling us. The revolution is a must. Our fire burns on as theirs turns to dust.” -Colbee

Excerpt from an old poem (2001)….