February 2018 Numerology Forecast – Sacred Foundations

February 2018 Numerology Forecast – Sacred Foundations

February is a universal 4 month. This month we are going to want to stay focused, pay attention to detail and work diligently to achieve our collective goals. There may be some collective karma that comes up about self sabotage and making things more difficult than necessary. Stay focused to overcome this nagging self-doubt. By working through these challenges we have the opportunity to heal our process and the collective process making things easier as we move forward into the year and our eventual global awakening.

The 4 energy requires us to look at our foundations. In a collective energy like a universal month number it may ask us to look at our belief structures, our government structures and what we have been taught to believe by institutions. 4 is a number of faith and in a universal 11 year we are going to be able to look deeper to see where our faith resonates with our hearts and where it is falsely aligned with programmed beliefs that no longer serve our highest good.

The 4 thrives in the feeling of security, so when some of these false securities are lifted it may be very uncomfortable and require us to look to a deeper and innate sense of security, faith and connection. From this deeper sense of self we are able to rebuild a sacred foundation that is in alignment with our hearts and the good of all, which has the potential to create an incredible sense of peace.

This month is important to continue working with others in a conscious collaboration on our way to meet collective goals. February being the 2nd month of the year holds the 2 energy and when combined with the 11/2 universal year number we are being asked to upgrade our abilities to connect with others. We will be more sensitive this month and when that anxiety is recognized as empathy we have the opportunity to learn from the way other people are feeling and thinking. Relating with people in this way builds a greater sense of compassion and unconditional love.