March 2018 Numerology – Higher Vision

March 2018 Numerology – Higher Vision

March is a universal 5 month. This could be an adventurous month, a time to be set free of previous limitations. If you’re not part of a project that is bringing travel into your experience, then you may be involved in expanding your mind and broadening your horizons in other ways. The 5 energy challenges us to be more of who we are and who we are meant to be. The 5 does not play small. This month we will be experiencing the world in a bigger way and have the capability to embrace new ideas and ways of thinking.

The 5 wants to experience life through all the senses, so in March as the energy of the year is really beginning to get going and with spring right around the corner we will begin to have a deeper and more involved experience. The 5 adds color, sound, and sweetness (or bitterness depending on your inner choices) to our experience. This is a great month to really sit with our visualizations of what we are wanting to achieve both personally and as a collective. Move your self into the prayer and visualization as if it is truly already taking place. See it, taste it, smell it, and feel the emotions of your prayers being answered. This is the way to follow a prayer and the 5 energy can assist in that by giving it detail.

The 5 wants to take away the limiting beliefs that were hindering us in the 4 energy of February. We all have limiting beliefs that are constantly running in our subconscious and shaping our reality. The 5 energy, like the hawk, has a broader perspective and higher vision. The 5 can see where we are not in alignment with our higher selves and asks us to get with the program. Sometimes this energy will push our buttons with the ultimate intention of growth for our highest good. Don’t be afraid to see your higher truth or even the truth of others and the world otherwise the fear could lead to the need to numb the conscious mind. The 5 asks us to wake up.

Much of our society is over-medicated, turned off, sleeping, and tuned to a lower frequency with the use of alcohol, drugs, unhealthy foods, media, and consumerism. With the 14/5 energy this month we are going to want to take a look at our over-indulgences. The 5 likes to experience life from the senses and with the karma of the 14/5 we are able to look and see where we may be inclined to go overboard here. Are there any imbalances or patterns in over-indulging or numbing your senses and your conscious mind?

A universal month number works with the collective energy so we may see more clearly this month where our collective energy tends to over-indulge as well. How can we participate in moderation and balancing these energies rather than contributing to the enormous and unhealthy addictive behavioral imbalances that are so prevalent in our culture?