April Numerology – Beauty Walk

April Numerology – Beauty Walk

Nurture your beauty walk this month. April is a universal 6 month. I like to think of the 6 as a blessed number. It carries the energy of the Mother in that it is eternally giving and nurturing and always creating beauty. In the landscape of an 11 universal year, the 6 wants to nurture the very soul which is growing, evolving and expanding consciousness.

As a caretaker, the 6 energy also wants to take care of everyone so it is important, imperative really, that you make some time to nurture yourself and don’t get depleted by meeting everyone’s needs but your own. The people around you may have heightened needs this month. It is the nature of the 6 to stop what they’re doing to meet the needs of others. Don’t over do it.

Be open to blessings and miracles this month as your needs will be met in a graceful way when your heart is full of gratitude. There will be some focus around home and family. You may feel inspired to temlple-ify your home. The 6 creates beauty as a lifestyle, and it may first show up in your home. Go with it! Bring in as much love and goodness into your home this month as you can because the universe is offering this to you now!

Intimate relationships may be highlighted this month. The 6 has a way of leading us to what’s good for us as well as making clear what’s no longer working.

Painting “Black Madonna” by Yeye Omileye Achikeobi-Lewis

“Black Madonna honors the divine dark feminine as she who unites the lineage of humanity.” Learn more about Yeye Omileye who beautifully embodies this 6 energy and her recent Mamaki emanation ceremony at http://www.yeyeosun.com/.  Also check out my article about her journey and preparation here    http://www.soaringheartmedicine.com/prophesized-recent-natural-disasters-and-a-solution-to-this-elemental-imbalance/