May Mystic Numerology Forecast

May Mystic Numerology Forecast

May is a universal 7 month. For some, the 7 can be an uncomfortable energy to be in. It may slow you down and ask you to look deep within. The 7 is the number of the mystic and is most comfortable in deep contemplation or meditation or perhaps in the throws of intense research.

In an 11 universal year however, the 7 will ask us to tap into our spiritual depths and seek greater truth AND allow the ability of being able to experience and share these truths with the world. The 11 year will give this 7 month an extra touch of mysticism and if you are perceptive you’ll notice heightened intuitive abilities and insights as well as glimpses of new possible realities. The 11 and 7 combination create an opportunity for a collective shift of consciousness. It would best serve to seek out your own spiritual truths this month, but if spirituality is not intriguing to you then you may instead devote yourself to higher learning, deep studies or thorough research. (And be open to Spirit tapping your shoulder anyway.)

The 7 is the bridge between science and spirituality and has the ability to have concrete realizations or conclusions about deep spiritual awareness or experiences. You may have the ability to prove that miracles exist or express your spirituality or concepts in a way that makes sense in a meaningful and profound way.

As the energy of spring picks up in May there may be a dichotomy of feelings about whether to go out and enjoy spring weather and be active or to spend time in study or contemplation. The best of both worlds would be to take your work outdoors. Lay a blanket out in the grass, under a tree or by a creek and enjoy diving into the depths of seeking truth while the birds serenade you.

It is important to spend more time alone this month than usual as you need to integrate the massive downloads of intuitive insight. It’s possible however, with May being the 5th month of the year, that you may seek out company after your time of reflection. You would be most satisfied this month choosing company that is spiritually or intellectually inspiring. You’ll want to dive into deep spiritual, and philosophical conversations that allow you and others the gift of seeing from a new perspective. False friends, like false smiles, just wont feel good this month. You’ll have little tolerance for small talk and you may have a higher expectations of yourself and others when it comes to integrity and sharing time and space.

The same is true of false realities. The 7 has the ability to see through falsity and set things straight. Be willing to let go of the ego trip and the lower sense of self as it has a tendency to create realities out of fear and insecurities rather than of love and divine purpose.

The 7 energy this month may have you sleeping in as 7 requires more sleep than other energies. Pay attention to your dreams as the 7 can be quite active in dreamtime.

Remember that the universal 8 is coming up next month. When the 7 shows up in the cycle it is wanting us to receive deep truths and new perspectives so that we have the tools to continue to grow, evolve and rise up. When we do our spiritual work in this way and are able to shift our consciousness we are more likely to receive the material gifts of success and abundance that the 8 has potential to bring.