June Numerology Forecast – Infinite Worth

June Numerology Forecast – Infinite Worth

Oh powerful 8! Bless us this month with authentic power and abundance! This month we have the opportunity to reap what we have sown. If we have been doing our work- both in the world and within our own beings, now is the time to see the fruits of our labors.

The 8 represents power and success. In the 8 energy we are able to move our energy into where we are meant to be as long as our actions are in alignment with our morals and beliefs. This is a month to not only make things happen, but also to allow things to happen. We have to balance the giving and receiving- as the 8 shows us in it’s infinity symbolism when you turn it on it’s side. 8 gives and receives in harmony and balance.

On a global level we have been stepping into balance with the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine. As we get more familiar with this idea, the old way of working until we’re exhausted and giving until we are depleted is replaced with the energy of allowance and receptivity. The Divine Feminine (wether you are a man or a woman) is able to receive with ease and with grace.

In an 11 universal year we have the opportunity to allow this energy to boost our truest authentic power and upgrade our realities. Now is not the time to be complacent or to compromise ourselves to meet anyone else’s needs or expectations. As you receive this month, continue to give from the heart and be mindful too that it is not your job to give when it costs you your true purpose or identity.

It is possible to rise in power or financial abundance in the 8 energy even when you are not aligned with your purpose and your heart. However, if that is the case, all you gain will soon be lost or it will simply make you unhappy. Be careful what you wish for. The 8 energy challenges us to rise while staying true to ourselves; by overcoming self-doubt and self-sabotage we are able to receive the gifts of true abundance and personal power.

As the 8 energy allows you to rise up, make sure you’re not stepping on anyone in your upward ascent to power. Stepping into power can be very impactful and inspiring to others if you’re able to leave your ego out of it. Many associate power with abuse-of-power and are therefor fearful of coming into themselves fully. You can do it! Leave the old paradigm behind and step into your power with ease, grace and unconditional love; especially unconditional self-love.

Drop into the heart and give yourself a pat on the back for all you have done that has led you to this point. Express gratitude for the many blessings that may shower you this month. Even small blessings deserve big thanks so be careful not to minimize even the smallest of achievements.

You are an infinite being and as I recently heard “your worth is limitless!” And there you have it, your mantra for the rest of June: “I am an infinite being and my worth is limitless.” Aho and Namasté.