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Giveaway! (value over $1000)

Giveaway! (value over $1000)

Earth! Energy! Alchemy! Women’s 8-week Transformation Intensive I am happy to announce that I will be offering one full scholarship for the Earth! Energy! Alchemy! Women’s intensive. I am now taking requests for that scholarship and ask women who are interested to please email me and let me know: 1. why you would... read more

Heart Space Transmissions: Love…

Heart Space Transmissions: Love…

What is love and what does it mean to you? Many people get caught with the idea that love is simply an emotion or feeling that we have for another person. In my experience, it is those feelings of loving connection that help us to open up to the possibility of what Love... read more

The Voice of Water

The Voice of Water

Her skin was sweet as I wrapped myself around her feet in cool jade swirls. She entered with reverence, each step intentional and laden with blessings. I appreciated this, as so many had forgotten, and taken me for granted. Her presence brought clarity of purpose and strength of being. Although she came through... read more

Stronger Together

Stronger Together

#energymedicinemonday By cultivating the feelings of unconditional love, gratitude, joy, true forgiveness and appreciation, we are able to create a heart coherence that increases the heart’s measurable magnetic field that extends beyond the body. This field is a frequency that carries information that is able to influence the people close to you and... read more

Be Responsible For Your Energy

Be Responsible For Your Energy

#energymedicinemonday Other people’s energy effects you, right? You know what it feels like when someone brings you down, as well as the uplifting feeling when you spend time with a grounded and joyful person. If you stay grounded yourself and are aware of your edges, those bad vibes may not affect you as... read more

Earth’s Rich Cultural Traditions and Prayer Lines

Earth’s Rich Cultural Traditions and Prayer Lines

This Earth and the people of the Earth hold so many beautiful and rich traditions. I love seeing the beauty and the ways that these paths are much more similar than they are different. Personally, I feel called to honor both the traditions of the land that has always been my home and... read more

BEWARE of 5G wireless!! Get Educated!

BEWARE of 5G wireless!! Get Educated!

Have you heard about the harmful effects of 5G that is on its way to your community? If you don’t know about this it’s worth taking a moment to do some research. And please note: 5G is 5th generation wireless network. (not 5GHz WiFi that shows up when connecting to WiFi as 5G…... read more



My first turkey feather fan. I was so delighted to make this fan with feathers that came to me at just the right time. Turkey medicine is both gentle and abundant and brings much gratitude which is the medicine that I have been waking up to more and more. I am now offering... read more

Energy Medicine Monday – Imagination

Energy Medicine Monday – Imagination

“Our world is but a canvas to our imagination.”  -Henry David Thoreau Some of our very best medicines are tangible tools that we can access in any moment. One of these tools is Imagination. We are using our imagination all day wether we are doing it consciously or not. Often we mis-use this... read more

February Numerology Forecast

February Numerology Forecast

February is a universal 5 month. Collectively, we are ready for a well-deserved vacation. The 5 wants to expand by having new experiences and getting out of the rig-a-ma-roll of routine that came through in January. Lighten up this month and focus on bringing in the new. New experiences, new ideas and new... read more